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The War Amps is committed to improving the quality of life for Canadian amputees.

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October 13, 2015 – The War Amps has stepped in to assist a BC man who lost both hands in an electrocution accident.

The story of Taras Atleo, of Chilliwack, who lost both hands after a November 2014 electrocution accident, was featured prominently in the media recently when he was informed by Worksafe BC that his daily home care support would be stopped.

On learning of this development, The War Amps was in immediate touch with Mr. Atleo to provide support and assistance to help navigate him through the process of finding a satisfactory solution with the agencies involved in his rehabilitation. The Association also got in touch with WorkSafe BC.

“We are hoping to develop a sound working relationship with WorkSafe BC, and once the effects of amputation are fully explained, they should understand the level of care and treatment Mr. Atleo will require,” said Annelise Petlock, Advocacy Program Manager for The War Amps.

She noted that The War Amps is able to provide a unique level of expertise gained during its nearly 100 years of assisting Canadian amputees.

“We know, for instance, that recovery from a double amputation doesn’t always have a specific timeline. There are both the physical and psychological components to consider, as well as the residual effect on the whole family unit,” she said, adding that The War Amps also provides amputees like Mr. Atleo with a wealth of information on living with amputation.

The Atleo family has expressed its gratitude, stating: “We are very happy with the assistance from The War Amps, as it is taking stress off of the entire family. The War Amps has the experience in dealing with amputation, and we feel as though WorkSafe BC has a responsibility to connect with them.”

Since its founding at the end of the First World War, The War Amps has fought to protect the rights of amputee veterans and address the inequities they face. As a natural evolution, the Association has over time expanded its advocacy work to provide a voice for all amputees in Canada.

“Through our Advocacy program, we navigate and address the bureaucratic barriers and misunderstandings often confronted by amputees in Canadian society,” said Brian Forbes, Chairman of The War Amps Executive Committee. He views Mr. Atleo’s case as a classic example of why the program is needed.

“Our years of experience with provincial agencies, government departments and insurance companies have revealed that they do not fully comprehend the impact of amputation,” said Mr. Forbes. “Through Advocacy, we identify the gaps in support for amputees and work to effect change in areas such as insufficient prosthetic coverage, insurance and legal issues, human rights and government benefits to improve their lives.”

The War Amps was founded in 1918 with a philosophy of “amputees helping amputees,” and continues this legacy in the modern-day association that exists today. A nation-wide registered charitable organization, it assists war amputees and all Canadian amputees, including children.

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For More Information

Danita Chisholm
Executive Director, Communications
1 877 606-3342