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Headshot of Michael McDonald


Michael McDonald

Michael McDonald

Mr. McDonald is pictured with his then-girlfriend, Viola, who later became his wife.

Michael J. McDonald, of Montreal, was born on February 1, 1919. He was studying accountancy when he enlisted in 1941 and attended the Canadian Officers’ Training Corps at McGill University, where he received the rank of Lieutenant.

He served with the 17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars (later known as the 7th Reconnaissance Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division). After landing at Bernières-sur-Mer, France, on July 12, 1944, his regiment faced intense fighting during the capture of Caen. Later, in nearby Cormelles-le-Royal, he was wounded by .88 mm shell fire, resulting in the loss of his leg and hand.

After returning to Canada, Mr. McDonald continued with his studies and became a Certified Management Accountant and earned a commerce degree. He joined The War Amps Montreal Branch and after his retirement became very active in the Association. He held the positions of:

  • Member, War Amps Board of Directors
  • Branch President, Montreal Branch
  • First Vice-President, Montreal Branch

Mr. McDonald passed away on September 15, 2001.

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