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Headshot of Maurice Clayton


Maurice Clayton

Maurice Julian Clayton was born on August 29, 1922, in Liverpool, England. He enlisted on September 10, 1940, and served with the Glider Pilot Regiment in the British army air corps. Mr. Clayton took part in the D-Day invasion as well as the Battle of Arnhem in Holland, where he was wounded and became a prisoner of war. His injuries resulted in the loss of his leg below the knee.

Following the war, Mr. Clayton attended the University of Portsmouth in England to study architecture. He emigrated to Canada with his young family in 1953, eventually settling in Ottawa, Ontario. He became a Senior Architect with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, where he designed innovative housing projects and wrote influential textbooks on housing for seniors and people with disabilities.

He joined The War Amps Ottawa Branch and served as:

  • Second Vice-President, Ottawa Branch
  • Member, Sick and Visiting Committee

Through The War Amps, Mr. Clayton started the Keeping in Touch program to stay in contact with the widows of war amputee members, which they greatly appreciated.

He passed away on April 9, 2007.

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