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Headshot of George Jorgenson


George Jorgenson

George Jorgenson was born on May 7, 1924, in Whitemouth, Manitoba, and at just 16 years old, enlisted with the Royal Canadian Engineers as a Dispatch Rider. While serving in England, he was given permission to pass a military convoy on his motorcycle when he was struck by one of the speeding trucks, leading to two broken legs and, ultimately, the loss of his left leg below the knee. After being treated in a Canadian field hospital in England, he returned home to Canada.

George Jorgenson on a motorcycle

Mr. Jorgenson married and had a son after the war, settling in Winnipeg with his family. Despite his mother’s worries that a man missing a leg might have difficulties earning a living, he did not let his amputation hold him back. He found work as a heavy equipment operator for many years, and his mechanical abilities earned him much respect in his field.

Later, Mr. Jorgenson moved with his family to British Columbia, where he was a proud member of The War Amps Vancouver Branch. He was grateful to the Association for supporting him and helping him to receive a fair government pension that recognized his serious disabilities.

A skilled hockey player before the war, Mr. Jorgenson continued his interest in sports as an adult and coached baseball teams for many years. He passed away on August 5, 2009.

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