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A collection of images showing amputees of all ages playing sports or doing activities, as well as a photo of two war amputee veterans.
A collection of images showing amputees of all ages playing sports or doing activities, as well as a photo of two war amputee veterans.
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2023 Annual Report2023 Annual Report

Improving the quality of life for Canadian amputees

Contents at a Glance


2023 in Review

This year was one of exciting evolution for The War Amps. Throughout the last three years, we pivoted to offer assistance and connection through virtual events, personal phone calls and email to prioritize the health and safety of our amputee members and staff during uncertain times. In 2023, we were extremely pleased to resume in-person events with our members and help foster meaningful bonds between child amputees and others who have “been there” and know what they are going through.

We launched our new (Re)Connect events in two regions this year, inviting our Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program members and their families to connect in a fun and informal environment with other amputees in their area. We have heard from families who attended that these events have meant so much to them; many enrolled during the pandemic and had never met another amputee in person before. With many more activities planned for 2024, we look forward to expanding these events across the country.

A young female multiple amputee stands in a park and plays the violin.

In addition to peer support initiatives, donations from the public allow us to fund artificial limbs in Canada, including 100 per cent of the cost of specialized limbs and devices for children. Outside of our standard funding for amputees, this year we were able to expand our funding initiatives for the second year in a row. This resulted in us substantially increasing our artificial limb funding for our adult members, including for microprocessor-controlled knees, water limbs, repairs and adjustments. We were also able to launch a new grant for modern-day amputee veterans to support their needs in areas such as accessibility modifications and physical fitness. This life-changing support could never have been possible without our donors.

As an organization with more than 100 years of experience in advocacy work, we continued our Crusade for Reform to educate provincial governments and insurers about the realities of amputation with the goal of improving prosthetic coverage. You will also read about our human rights work in providing a voice for the amputee in successfully addressing discriminatory and accommodation issues, including the case of one amputee whose fight for accessibility led to positive results thanks to our intervention.

Our advocacy also included extensive work for veterans, including our years-long fight to ensure that veterans’ pensions and benefits are based on a “one veteran – one standard” principle; to relieve the plight of veterans’ families and caregivers; to address the unacceptable backlog and wait-time crisis for veterans’ claims; and to seek justice for victims of military sexual misconduct, among other key areas.

Throughout this report, you will find personal stories from our members detailing how your donation has made a significant difference in their lives. We have also included testimonials from people across Canada who had their keys returned to them this year through our vital Key Tag Service.

Please read on to learn more about our activities in 2023. You can also follow us on social media to see more of the ways your donations help amputees. We welcome your feedback and, as always, remain accountable to you.

The Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program serves children under 18 in Canada who are born with a limb difference or who have lost a limb due to an accident or medical causes. We offer support through funding for artificial limbs and assistive devices, by providing information on life as an amputee, and by connecting child amputees and their families with others who have “been there.”

Your Donation in Action

The public’s donations to The War Amps make essential programs that meet the unique needs of amputees possible. We do not receive government grants.

“When we found out that our baby would be born without part of his left arm, it came as a shock. Not knowing any other amputees at the time, we just weren’t sure what Abel’s life would be like. We enrolled him in the CHAMP Program, and as he has grown up, being a part of CHAMP has helped him feel secure in himself and his abilities.

“His artificial arm and device that The War Amps funded allows him to do everyday tasks as well as play sports. For us, knowing that CHAMP will pay for the artificial limbs that he needs means fewer worries and that Abel can enjoy the same activities as other children. To everyone who supports The War Amps, your impact on the lives of amputees is bigger than you can imagine.”

Ryan and Cortney, Abel’s parents
A young male arm amputee wearing his artificial arm peeks out from inside a play structure at a playground.
A young male arm amputee rides his bike on a park pathway.

“Our son Étienne was born without part of his right arm, so when we learned about the CHAMP Program, we were able to prepare ourselves for raising a child living with amputation. Throughout the years, CHAMP has funded artificial limbs and devices for Étienne, like his bike device, which helps him to grip the handlebar and stay balanced while biking. We see every day that he doesn’t limit himself and approaches challenges with confidence and determination. Thank you for everything.”

Annie and Ghislain, Étienne’s parents

“We learned about the CHAMP Program when our daughter Kenzie was born without part of her left arm. Without the financial support from CHAMP, Kenzie would not have the artificial limbs she needs to do the same things that other children can. We are so thankful to have the support of The War Amps and are grateful to each and every donor!”

Shannon and Josh, Kenzie’s parents
A young female arm amputee rides her pink bike down a sidewalk.
Did You Know?

Each year, we enrol new amputees who were born without a limb or who have lost a limb due to an illness or accident. As War Amps members, they are provided with financial assistance towards the cost of artificial limbs, information on life as an amputee, support from other amputees and much more. In 2023, we enrolled 2,143 adult amputees and 155 child amputees.

New Initiatives for 2023

Due to the ongoing generosity of the Canadian public, The War Amps was able to launch several new initiatives this year to support the areas of greatest need for our amputee members.

Major funding increase for adult amputees

An adult male leg amputee sits on a couch.

Over The War Amps more than 100 years, we have long seen the gaps in support for amputees. Many Canadians would be shocked to learn that amputees do not receive appropriate funding for artificial limbs, which is why our crusade to reform the inadequate prosthetic funding in Canada remains a top priority.

We have filled these gaps where we can, but as a charity that relies on public donations, our funds can only go so far. We have done our very best through the years to meet the many needs of amputees, but it has not been possible to close this gap completely.

Now, thanks to the strong support of our donors and lower expenditures during the pandemic due to postponed events, our current financial position provides a wonderful opportunity to expand our support for amputees significantly. In 2023, we were thrilled to substantially increase our artificial limb funding for adults.

Nationally, we increased our contribution for microprocessor-controlled knees – which are integral to the safety of many leg amputees to avoid dangerous falls – from a few thousand dollars per amputee to $40,000. We expanded our funding to include $5,000 towards a water limb to ensure stability while bathing and to improve quality of life. We also added a new funding amount of $2,000 for supplies, repairs and adjustments of artificial limbs.

Our funding for everyday artificial limbs was also increased in provinces with the greatest need – where provincial funding is severely limited or non-existent, and in some cases, where the cost of living is prohibitively high. In British Columbia and Ontario, our contribution increased from $2,000 to $4,500 per fitting, in Prince Edward Island from $4,000 to $5,500, in Nova Scotia from $1,000 to $6,000 and in New Brunswick from $4,000 to $10,000.

These substantial increases in funding will make a life-changing impact in the lives of our members, some of whom experience financial difficulties due to cost and poor government funding. Our Advocacy efforts will continue as we work to ensure governments understand the reality of prosthetic care and fund it appropriately, where it is their responsibility to do so.

Expanding grant for new members

A female adult arm amputee sits at a cafe table and holds a mug.

It can be challenging for adults who undergo an amputation to rebuild their health and life amidst this new reality, and many find their finances suffer during recovery. In 2022, we first unveiled a one-time grant of $1,250 for new enrollees in our Adult Amputee Program. This year, we expanded this grant to provide our new members with $1,250 per amputation, up to $5,000 for quadruple amputees. This is in addition to our standard contribution for their artificial limbs.

With this grant, our members have been able to afford mobility aids, home or vehicle accessibility changes, and additional prosthetic care. Throughout the year, we were able to help 1,179 adult amputees for a total of $1,763,750 distributed. We are proud to support our new members and continue to be available for them during their transition to life as an amputee.

“Thank you on behalf of my husband and I for your kindness and generous help through this grant. My husband lost his job, and then six months later lost his right leg below the knee and just recently lost part of his left foot. These funds are a tremendous blessing!”

Wife of an adult amputee member

Financial support for amputee veterans

As part of our mandate to support retired/released veterans and those still serving, in January we launched a one-time grant of $3,500 for modern‑day amputee veteran members to support the everyday costs they face, as well as expenses not covered through their military benefits. This grant allows members to pay for an immediate need related to their disability or to take steps towards a larger financial challenge they otherwise couldn’t afford.

Through this new initiative, we were pleased to support 20 amputee veterans with home accessibility modifications, adaptive fitness equipment and more, totalling $70,000 awarded.

“This is fantastic news for my wife and I. I had no idea that you’d be getting back to us so quickly! I teared up as I read the email to my other half; we are so thankful. This will help a great deal towards improving things in our small home.”

Modern-day veteran member

Launching new in-person events for child amputees

A young girl and a young woman sit on the floor and touch their artificial arms together.

During the pandemic, The War Amps postponed our annual Child Amputee (CHAMP) seminars for the health and safety of our members and staff. In 2023, we launched a new series of “(Re)Connect” events designed to bring together Champs and their families from the same region for an afternoon of connection and fun.

A young girl and a young woman sit on the floor and touch their artificial arms together.

“Charlie had a fantastic time at the (Re)Connect event. It was truly special for her to be surrounded by others just like her.”

Tia-Marie, Champ Charlie’s mom

We held two events in Ontario this year and welcomed 19 Champs, along with their parents and their siblings, for a total of 60 attendees. We were especially pleased that half of these families were new to The War Amps, having enrolled during the last few years, so we could welcome them in-person to our “CHAMP family.”

In 2024, we are looking forward to increasing the number of attendees and frequency of events by hosting (Re)Connect afternoons throughout the country. We are also thrilled to be restarting our CHAMP seminars in select regions in 2024 before expanding them in 2025.

Did You Know?

The War Amps provides child amputees with financial assistance for swimming and driving lessons to learn important safety skills and help support them on the road to independence. In 2023, we funded 93 requests from across the country.

Advocating for All Amputees

The War Amps advocates for the rights and interests of all Canadian amputees and works on behalf of individual amputees who have encountered discrimination or red tape in accessing care, important financial benefits and legal rights.

Advocating for prosthetic funding reform in Ontario

A female adult arm amputee sits on a park bench and uses her cell phone.

In March, The War Amps engaged in a media campaign to bring to light an issue affecting Ontario’s amputees – the outdated and lacking provincial funding available for artificial limbs. Our op-ed was picked up by more than 30 publications throughout the province.

This was prompted by an announcement from the Ontario government that recipients of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) could now earn more money from working without their ODSP support being affected. Unfortunately, for Ontario’s most severely disabled amputees, this announcement was unlikely to change anything.

“For amputees in receipt of ODSP, changing the income cap misses the mark entirely. Without adequate funding for the artificial limbs they need, amputees in Ontario will continue to be impacted in their ability to work at all.”

Annelise Petlock, War Amps Associate Legal Counsel and Manager, Member Programs

Amputees receiving ODSP are not able to work, let alone work more, without the artificial arms or legs needed for basic tasks, such as dressing, walking or holding objects. While the province’s Assistive Devices Program states they provide 75 per cent coverage, this is based on outdated funding models and, in reality, only covers about 20 per cent of the cost of a limb.

We argued in our media campaign that virtually all amputees receiving ODSP face thousands of dollars of debt to get a basic artificial limb, and sometimes they must go without, worsening health issues and impacting their independence and ability to return to work.

As always, we will continue to advocate for this important issue of increased funding for artificial limbs to ensure the government is not leaving amputees behind.

Supporting amputees in greatest need

Due to inadequate provincial and private insurance funding for artificial limbs, amputees with limited means often face the dilemma of either paying for their medically prescribed limbs or paying for basic needs like rent or food. Through our Advocacy Program, members can apply if they are experiencing extreme financial hardship, and we offer our assistance for the most critical cases when specific criteria are met. This year, we supported 162 adult amputees above and beyond our standard funding for their prosthetic and daily living needs, totalling $650,019.

One of our members from British Columbia who has an amputation through their left knee needed a knee and foot component for their artificial leg so they could do their job, which requires standing for long periods of time. The components cost $24,417 and the government would only cover $6,123. They stated that the knee component needed exceeds “basic functionally,” even though it was medically prescribed and would greatly improve the amputee’s level of safety. The War Amps agreed to cover the $18,294 balance so that this member wouldn’t have to rely on crutches only, which would have severely impacted their mobility, independence and ability to work.

Another case of note was for a double below-knee amputee who needed two hydraulic foot components. This member is a single parent of a young child and does not have a vehicle, so mobility is vital to them. Their community has steep walkways, and they fell frequently, demonstrating that they urgently needed these new components to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Unfortunately, their provincial government would only cover $3,767 of the total $6,158. This member is not able to work and has limited savings, so we stepped in to cover the $2,391 balance, allowing them to walk safely and keep up with their young child.

Fighting for human rights accessibility issue

In 2022, we started to work with a 51-year-old amputee who is missing their right leg above the knee and uses crutches, as they are not a candidate for artificial limbs. Before moving into their new apartment building, which is intended for people with disabilities, they requested an accessible indoor parking space due to a high risk for falls and broken bones. Shockingly, they were denied the accommodation despite falling almost daily as they crutch from the building to their outdoor parking space. When parking spaces became available, they were given to other residents before this individual, including an able-bodied contractor.

“In the past four weeks, I’ve fallen 19 times getting from my front door to my car. It’s impossible to maintain my balance on crutches and standing on one foot in the snow. I’ll fall, and I can’t get up. I arrive at work soaking wet. I’m mortified and at my wits end. My nerves are shot, and my muscles ache. This is my home, and I just want to go to work and come home without falling.”

A male adult multiple amputee uses an adaptive keyboard while sitting at his office desk.

The War Amps advocated numerous times on their behalf to management, as we firmly believe they are in breach of their province’s human rights code. To accelerate this process, we contacted the media about this denial of accommodation and provided important information about the case to the province’s Human Rights Commission.

This year, due to our advocacy work, this individual’s building management agreed to give them a temporary indoor parking space until a more permanent one becomes available. While this is a win for them and their safety, we will continue to monitor this case closely until a permanent accommodation has been made by management.

Did You Know?

Each year, The War Amps offers bursaries to Champs ages 24 and under to recognize the importance of education in providing future independence to young amputees. In 2023, we awarded 68 bursaries, contributing more than $359,000 to Champs’ post-secondary educations.

The Key Tag Service

A set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
A set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.

The Key Tag Service began in 1946 after the Second World War, launching a key return service that would prove to be a valuable aid to Canadians. War Amps members from the First and Second World Wars started the service to create jobs for amputee veterans and to generate revenue for the Association, which in turn funded our programs and raised awareness of The War Amps efforts.

Today, Canadians continue to benefit from this public service, with more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys returned to their owners, including expensive-to-replace car fobs. In 2023, The War Amps Key Tag Service returned 6,155 sets of lost keys to their owners by courier – for free! To this day, the Key Tag Service sheltered workshop in Scarborough, Ontario, continues to employ amputees and people with disabilities.

“I misplaced a set of car keys recently. A few days ago, I was very pleased to have that set of keys delivered to my door. I have supported your organization for many years and will continue to do so in the future.”

A young female upper limb amputee hands a flower to a Second World War veteran with a leg amputation.
Veterans like Charlie Jefferson, who lost his left leg in the Second World War, started the CHAMP Program and have been role models to generations of child amputees. Today, Champs like Isla honour our veterans and fallen soldiers by participating in remembrance initiatives, such as wreath layings, through The War Amps Operation Legacy.

Our Work for Veterans

A male modern-day amputee veteran holds a War Amps wreath in front of Canada's National War Memorial.

Sgt. (Ret’d) Gaétan, a leg amputee, laid a wreath at the 2023 National Remembrance Day ceremony on behalf of The War Amps.

The War Amps continues to be the leader in advocating for veterans’ rights and legislation, as well as the driving force behind the National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (NCVA). With more than 100 years of experience in this area, we are represented on four of the six ministerial advisory groups to Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), co-chairing two of these committees.

In 2023, we continued our long-standing work for veterans through advocacy in reducing unacceptable departmental wait times and backlogs for disability pensions and benefits; demanding VAC follow a “one veteran – one standard” strategy for benefits veterans receive; improving income support for seriously disabled veterans through a newly proposed Career Impact Allowance; increasing benefits for veterans’ families and caregivers; seeking justice for victims of military sexual misconduct and more. You can read about all our advocacy work in detail in our NCVA Legislative Program 2023-24.

With the appointment of Ginette Petitpas Taylor in July as the new Minister of Veterans Affairs/Associate Minister of National Defence, we are hopeful that she will provide invigorated momentum for reform. We will continue to hold the government to account on behalf of the veterans’ community. This will require further action by VAC regarding veterans legislation and policy to fix the ongoing injustice disabled veterans and their families face.

Working towards “one veteran – one standard”

The War Amps fundamental recommendation to the government for many years is that veterans legislation should have a “one veteran – one standard” approach. We have consistently proposed that the best parts of the Pension Act and the New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-being Act (NVC/VWA) should be used to create a comprehensive compensation/pension and wellness model for all disabled veterans, regardless of where or when they were injured.

A closeup of the shoulder of a Canadian Armed Forces uniform with a Canadian flag patch.

The War Amps has strongly urged VAC to “think outside the box” by aiming towards, as an ultimate objective, creating an overall program model that would treat all veterans with parallel disabilities in the same way for the application of their benefits and wellness policies. This would result in the removal of artificial cut-off dates that arbitrarily distinguish veterans based on whether they were injured before or after 2006.

If the “one veteran – one standard” philosophy advocated by VAC has any meaning, this glaring disparity between the Pension Act and the NVC/VWA means that the Government must seize the moment to address this issue. In so doing, Parliament would finally be recognizing that the long‑standing social covenant between the Canadian people and the veterans’ community demands nothing less.

Improving financial support for seriously disabled veterans

Unfortunately, many seriously disabled veterans, including war amputees, require lifetime income support to cope with their significant levels of incapacity.

In this context, we have argued for the establishment of a new Career Impact Allowance for life based on the future loss of income strategy used for many years by the Canadian courts instead of the current VAC Income Replacement Benefit or the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) SISIP income policy. We believe the main principle that should be followed by the department relates to the monetary evaluation for what the disabled veteran would have earned in their military career if they had not been injured.

Advocating for the needs of veterans’ families and caregivers

Since the enactment of the NVC/VWA in 2006, The War Amps has taken the strong position that the government has not fully addressed the plight of families of veterans, particularly in cases where a member of the family (often a spouse) must act as caregiver to a disabled veteran.

In our view, the current inadequate Caregiver Recognition Benefit should be replaced by using the eligibility criteria of the Pension Act’s Attendance Allowance together with the amount payable to informal caregivers from the Department of National Defence’s Attendant Care Benefit. This would better recognize and more generously compensate caregivers for their significant effort and economic loss in supporting injured veterans.

We are also encouraging the department to adopt the Ombud’s recommendation, as endorsed by the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, that family members and caregivers should have an independent right to benefits and well-being provisions rather than the restrictive derivative rights that have existed in veterans legislation for many years.

Addressing VAC’s backlog and wait-time crisis

Notwithstanding slight improvements made by the department in recent months, the main concern in the veterans’ community today remains the ongoing backlog and wait-time crisis confronting veterans making applications for disability pensions and health-care benefits.

It is our position that systemic change is essential to tackle the backlog/wait-time crisis, including the adoption of fast-tracking protocols and a form of automatic entitlement for common disabilities. It is very clear that the Government’s recent attempts to increase temporary staffing and improve digitization alone are not enough to resolve this ongoing problem.

The department should adopt the position that claims be accepted at face value and be based on the reasonable evidence provided by the veteran and their family, with the condition that individual files can be monitored over time and “spot audits” carried out to address any potential abuses. The clear reality is that medical reports usually required by VAC to support these applications continue to be extremely difficult to obtain at this time.

Looking forward

The War Amps will continue to work with the recent restructured hierarchy of VAC on behalf of Canadian veterans and their families. In our opinion, the new minister and the department must recognize that time is of the essence for Canadian veterans and their families, who continue to wait for this fundamental legislative and policy reform to help them cope with their service-related disabilities and injuries.

Your Story

“I have donated to the Key Tag Service for well over 20 years and always wondered if keys ever got returned to people. Imagine my surprise one day this fall to find a couriered parcel from The War Amps at my door containing a set of keys for our van that we thought had disappeared forever. We’re now encouraging our family and friends to put tags on their valuable keys. Thank you so much!”



The War Amps has been continued under the Canada Not‑for‑profit Corporations Act and is registered as a charitable organization with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The War Amps is funded by donations to the Key Tag Service. It does not receive government grants. For more than 100 years, we have served amputees and continue to support them by providing much-needed funding for artificial limbs, peer support and a strong organization to advocate for their rights.

A female adult arm amputee sits on a bench inside.

As part of  The War Amps commitment to being accountable to our donors, we are pleased to provide you with our Essential Financial Information. The intent of this financial summary is to provide the most valuable data for our donors in terms of explaining our programs and how their money is being spent.

The War Amps has a unique structure within the charitable field. In 1946, the Key Tag Service was launched to provide employment for returning amputee veterans from the Second World War. This service was recognized as a sheltered workshop at that time. Throughout the intervening years, hundreds of Canadians with disabilities have worked at the Key Tag Service, which continues today. Employees at the Key Tag Service make competitive wages and help provide a service to Canadians that generates funds for the Association.

All of this detailed financial information is provided in our annual filing of form T3010, which is available to the public on the CRA website. Our full, audited financial statement is also available.

The War Amps 2022 financial statements are prepared and audited by Kelly Huibers McNeely Professional Corporation Chartered Professional Accountants. They also prepare our annual filing of the T3010 government return.

We are continually evaluating how we present our financial information in order to ensure that we provide our donors with the facts they need to make a well-informed decision.

The War Amps is proud of its history and the programs and services we offer to amputees. Public support of the Key Tag Service, which has returned more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys, enables the Association to continue to operate its many programs for amputees of all ages, including war amputees and seriously disabled veterans.

Statement of Revenue and Expense

for the year ended December 31, 2022

Donations (Net) $19,778,919
Bequests 8,909,311
Interest and Other 416,909
Revenue total $29,105,139
Adult Amputee Program $3,660,348
CHAMP Program 5,234,703
DRIVESAFE™ Program -
PLAYSAFE™ Program 1,977,708
Prosthetics, Research and Education 540,994
Service Bureau and Advocacy 2,989,178
Special Projects 3,100,682
Veterans Issues – Special 662,849
Widows Assistance Program 266,061
Other Charitable Programs 521,686
Administrative 229,569
Expense total $19,183,778
Excess of Revenue Over Expense
(Expense Over Revenue) $9,921,361

Balance Sheet

as at December 31, 2022

Cash and Term Deposits (See Note 1) $77,064,200
Property and Equipment 6,356,876
Assets Held for Pension Liability 8,699,042
Other Assets 1,270,292
Assets total $93,390,410
Accounts Payable $1,802,048
Pension Liability 9,335,402
Liabilities total $11,137,450
Equity in Property Equipment $6,356,876
Appropriated Equity (See Note 2) 64,560,000
Unappropriated Net Assets (Deficiency of Net Assets)
Externally Restricted for Endowment Purposes 202,410
Equity total $82,252,960
Assets, Liabilities, and Equity total $93,390,410

Notes to Financial Statements

for the year ended December 31, 2022

  1. Cash and Term Deposits

    The Association receives a significant portion of its funding immediately prior to the year end. These funds are used to finance the operations of its charitable activities in the ensuing year.

  2. Appropriated Equity

    CHAMP Program $54,500,000
    Prosthetics Research Fund 10,000,000
    Survivors’ Subsistence Grants 60,000
    Appropriated Equity total $64,560,000

    The National Board of Directors has approved appropriations to:

    1. Provide for long-term commitments made on behalf of children enrolled in the Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program.
    2. Provide a special prosthetics and research fund to address the special needs of amputees where a standard limb will not provide quality of life and to carry out research on advances in prosthetic limbs.
    3. Provide survivors’ subsistence grants of $2,000 per member on the death of an active member and $1,000 on the death of the spouse. Payment of these grants is at the discretion of the Association on the basis of need.
A young male multiple amputee rides his bike near the ocean.

Thank You

Your support makes a life-changing difference for amputees.

Every donation we receive is important. With so many charities to choose from, we thank you for supporting The War Amps vital work for amputees. With the assistance of our donors, including corporate and foundation donors and those who have left estate donations in their wills, we are able to provide Canada’s amputees with essential artificial limbs, peer connections, advocacy support and so much more.

Together, we can continue to improve the quality of life for all amputees. We look forward to carrying on and evolving our programs and services to best serve the needs of amputees, now and in the future.

Your Story

“Thank you so much for this money-saving program. I have lost two sets of keys, one in 1977 and recently in 2023, only to have them returned to my address both times!”



Executive Committee

Brian N. Forbes, B.Comm., LLB

Chairman, Executive Committee

David Saunders, CPA, CA

Chief Operating Officer

Executive Subcommittee

Danita Chisholm

Executive Director, Communications and CHAMP Program

Lorraine Cornelius

Executive Director, Public Awareness

Darlene Quesnel

Executive Director, Internal Operations

Quebec Operations

Louis Bourassa

Director, Programs and Community Outreach (Quebec)

Yardley Sandaire

Director, Internal Operations (Quebec)

Regional Representatives

To continue the legacy of “amputees helping amputees” started by the war amputee veterans before them, our Regional Representatives – all CHAMP graduates who have actively participated in Association initiatives throughout their lives – will play an important role as part of our governance structure. Their involvement will further the work of the war amputees who originally founded the Association and established the essential charitable programs that have successfully evolved over the years.

Tara Klippert

(Yukon and the North)

Tim Inglis

(British Columbia)

Keith Parker

(British Columbia)

Selena Smakal

(British Columbia)

Jennah Stavroff

(British Columbia)

Lisa DeJong


Liz Gareau


Annae Jones


Chris Koch


Angie Ducharme-Johnson


Leanne Holtvogt


Merrill Loeppky


Kevin Delaney


Chinyere Eni-McLean


Christine McMaster


Denise Swedlo


Isabelle Dugré


Caroline Viau


Stephen Hann

(Prince Edward Island)

Justin Belliveau

(New Brunswick)

Kevin Roscoe

(Nova Scotia)

Tim Verney

(Nova Scotia)

Shelley Churchill

(Newfoundland and Labrador)

A adult male double foot amputee stands beside an adult female arm amputee at a hotel.

Regional Representative for Nova Scotia Tim Verney, a double foot amputee, with Regional Representative for Quebec Caroline Viau, an arm armputee, in 2023.

Your Story

“One of our thoughtful neighbours cared enough to call The War Amps when he discovered our keys – with a War Amps key tag attached – which we had left behind in our community mailbox lock. The War Amps helped us to connect with him and recover those lost keys. Please consider a donation to them today. The next keys lost could be yours.”


Donor Recognition

The War Amps many programs and services are made possible by the support of our donors; we do not receive government grants. We would like to gratefully recognize some of our foundation, corporation and community group donors from 2023 whose support helped improve the lives of amputees across Canada.


Abdul M. Mousa & Barbara Aweryn at Muslim Awkaf Foundation of B.C.

Allan Deal

Anonymous Fund at Calgary Foundation

Anthony Horak

Anthony & Rosemary Nichols Foundation

Apollo Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation

Arnie J. Charbonneau Foundation

Baher Family Fund at Calgary Foundation

Barbara Caldwell Fund at Ottawa Community Foundation

Bates Family Foundation

Benevolent Badgers Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation

Burgundy Legacy Foundation

Christine C. Lengvari

Colchester Fund at Elgin-St. Thomas Community Foundation

David & Ann Kennett

David and Valerie Mifflin Foundation at Vancouver Foundation

Deanna & Edwin Cohen Family Foundation at Jewish Foundation of Manitoba

Debbie Davidson

Delange-Harrison Fund

Derek Anderson Charitable Fund

Dermarkar Family Foundation

Donna MacLean War Amp Fund at Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta

Dr. J. David and Doris Roger Family Fund at Ottawa Community Foundation

Elizabeth Downing

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Ernest I. Silverberg, Morris Silverberg, David Silverberg, Maier Silverberg and Antzi Silverberg Fund at Jewish Foundation of Manitoba

Evert Bakker

Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation

G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund at South Saskatchewan Community Foundation

Harvey and Louise Glatt Fund at Ottawa Community Foundation

Irving Family Charitable Gift Fund

Jacqueline and Richard Jones Fund at United Church of Canada Foundation

J and M Fund at Victoria Foundation

Jerry and Janet Loterman

Joan Norman

John Gillies & Anne-Marie Prendiville

John & Janis Lynne Van Brunt

Judy Palmer

Juno Fund at Vancity Community Foundation

La Fondation Maurice Cusson

LIR Endowment Fund at Calgary Foundation

Lloyd McMaster

Marisue Miller

Meir Rotenberg & Sharon Wolfe Family Fund at Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto

The Mireille and Murray Steinberg Family Foundation

Patterson Family Fund

Paul E. K. and Suzanne Cornforth Fund at Ottawa Community Foundation

Ralph & Gay Young Family Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation

Ravindra & Jadwiga Raina

Richard and Justine Giuliani Foundation at Hamilton Community Foundation

R&K Fund at Niagara Community Foundation

Robert and Elizabeth Weaver Fund at United Church of Canada Foundation

Rolston-Mollard Endowment Fund at Vancouver Foundation

Ross McBain Charitable Gift Fund

Rudi & Sylvia Hoenson Foundation at Victoria Foundation

Ruthie Ladovsky Endowment Fund at Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto

Sage and Shea O’Neill Children’s Fund at Calgary Foundation

Salvatore Salerno

Sandala Emery Family Fund at Toronto Foundation

Sjur, Martine and Reidun Seim Fund at Vancity Community Foundation

Tillema War Amps Fund at Calgary Foundation

Tim and Marcia Sweet at Sunset Community Foundation

Wayne P. MacDonald Human Fund

William, Laura and Christopher Cook Memorial Fund at Victoria Foundation


7252722 Canada Inc.

9465-4910 Quebec Inc.

Accurytics Ltd.

AMR Group Ltd.

Annar Holdings Inc.

Arbor Memorial Inc.

Architect 57 Inc.

Avanti Freight Services

Baldachin Inn

Blackstock Motorsports Inc.

Chronos Trainings Inc.

CYR Rédaction-Traduction-Communication

David Lovick Professional Corp.

Diamondfield Entertainment Inc.

Docteur Alain Renzo Médecin inc.

Doron Auto

EcoSolPlanète Inc.

Gore Mutual Insurance

Heyes Landscaping


Hyundai Auto Canada Corp.

Ivan Tabac Professional Corp.

JB Sniderman Holdings Ltd.

J.C. Thomas Law Corp.


Kingswood Pharmacy

La Boutique de Noël de Québec inc.

Lave-Auto Rendez-Vous

Leader Plumbing & Heating Inc.

Lionel Investments Ltd.

The Lawrie Group of Home Hardware Stores

Malcolm Cullen & Associates

Marco Valade Enregistré

Mayco Electric Ltd.

McKenzie Physiotherapy Inc.

Musene’s Entreprises

Northern Fireplace

Northern Pine Industries Ltd.

Oceanicflo Construction & Development Corp.


Phil Veldhuis, Apiarist

Qode Media Inc.



Résidence du Presbytère

Riverbend Campground

Ruglen Consulting Inc.

SAM Inter (2012) Inc.

SmartStyle QC

Strawberry Blonde Bakery

Susan Tacon Arbitrations Inc.

Tarsem S. Ravi Medicine Professional Corp.

TechnologyInn Inc.

Tees & Koppert Professional Corp.

Vérification d’Isolation Thermographique

Vizan Consulting

Community Groups

Association Québécoise de Chirurgie (Quebec Association of Surgery)

Bedford Lawn Bowls Club

Champ Alaric’s Lemonade Stand

Champ David’s Hockey Tournament

Champ Léa’s Hot Dog Party

Champ Meriyam’s Art Auction

Corvettes of Western Ontario

Defenders Chapter 15

Lenny’s House

Logan’s Ultramarathon

Oriana Singers